Gareth is a transformational coach, who helps big dreamers and rebellious game-changing people, to take their big scary dreams and desires head-on. He gets them to align their mission with purpose, by forging the self-belief within themselves to execute their brilliant uniqueness and ideas into the world, in less than 90 days.


He is also a storyteller and the co-host of The Ridiculously Human Podcast, where they share people’s life stories, the good, the bad and the ugly, with the intention to create greater human connections and to learn from each other’s life experiences.


Balancing out these moments of success, Gareth had a brief flash of fame as a failed motorbike stuntman when he was sixteen years old, he stood as a weasel among giants in an aborted bodybuilding quest, and retired unsuccessfully from an investment banking career more than once!


Gareth left South Africa 20 years ago, to take a year out to find himself, and has been doing that ever since! His only real significant achievements are travelling the world, meeting his better half, getting others to be more curious and believe in themselves, and sharing free smiles and man hugs whenever he gets the opportunity 🙂

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