CELERbratorY digestion injection

CELERbratorY digestion injection

Let’s be honest, nobody flippin really digs a celery stick do they?! ?? Oh wait….super schmodels and people who drink Gin definitely dig being seen with a few celery sticks poking out their little glass tumbler 😉

Contrary to their taste these little guys are packed with goodness and the potassium and phthalides gives it a profile to help with lowering blood pressure. It’s also super fibrous which is great for our gut and digestion amongst a million other reasons to eat or drink it

Serves 1

  • 4 celery sticks
  • ½ large green apple
  • â…“ of a large cucumber
  • ½ inch or so of fresh ginger
  • â…› inch of fresh turmeric (peeled)


  • Place all ingredients in a juicer and juice the little guy
  • Stir before serving
  • Add in a couple of thinly sliced celery sticks for decoration
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