Osho Tag

So sitting on my flight back to London thinking what is next, where do I go from here, how do I get things started, how do I use all this new found knowledge? I’ve read so many flippin entrepreneur, motivational, strategy etc etc etc books,...

I’m sitting at the same restaurant that I have for the last 3 nights, eating the same dish. Not because I’m a boring, sad bastard but because the place is flippin awesome and their vegetable biryani dish is off the charts tasty and massive too!...

It’s been a while since I wrote and I reckon it’s because the meditation has been a lot to take in. It is certainly a process and journey which needs to be understood and unravelled but at the same time not thought about too much....

Whaaaoooooo Meditation Training - WOW. Not what I expected but flippin cool and learning a truck load :) We are lucky that we have a nice small group of people on the course, only 5, so we are able to get extra attention and go into...