07 Mar Turning over a new forest…
I feel like I have a million different emotions running through my mind and body while I type this message! I’m writing this sitting at my desk of an investment bank which has served me so well over the years. I’ve met so many awesome people and forged friendships and memories which will last forever. For that I am truly and eternally happy and grateful.
I want to keep my first blog as positive and happy as possible but need to be honest with myself and admit that I have not really enjoyed the work I do for a few years now. The working environment has also completely changed which removes the ‘enjoyment factor’! I look around and my colleagues are staring at their screens looking fairly miserable and disinterested in what they are doing (or is it just me?!!).
The truth of the matter is that banking may seem all glitz and glamour from the outside but in reality is the absolute complete opposite for most people who work in the industry! We are just button pressing and excel producing machines doing fairly mundane work which does not contribute anything significant to society.
Personally my priorities in life have changed and I need to get out so that I can now contribute, teach and offer more to the world
Today is my last day wearing a suit in a bank, bring on dress down Friday tomorrow!! After 18 years working in banking, tomorrow I hang up those boots for the foreseeable future and hopefully forever! I’ve done this once before and got sucked back in but I’m now an older, wiser bastard 🙂 with a bit of a better plan for what I truly want to do for the rest of my life.
I treat life as an evolving experiment which we go through in different phases and I’m flippin excited about my next phase
Saturday I head to India for my first step, so please join me in this journey of:
Bodybuilder to Yogi
Employee to Entrepreneur
Banker to Health and Fitness Coach
Consumer to Contributor
Love and happiness
Gareth / China / Token / BB
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