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Whaaaoooooo Meditation Training - WOW. Not what I expected but flippin cool and learning a truck load :)
We are lucky that we have a nice small group of people on the course, only 5, so we are able to get extra attention and go into...
HAPPY EASTER everyone - hope you have all had an awesome break and got to spend some quality time with your friends and family and also got to over indulge on many Easter Eggs!!
So the last few days of my courses were great - it...
Hello hello - feeling nice and rev’d up and excited this evening!
The last two days have been fantastic, with a massive amount of information being dumped on us. My schedule has been pretty similar both days, both mornings I have set my alarm to wake...
Well hello hello…!! After a few days break from learning about Yoga, practising Yoga everyday and being a Yogi I’m now back in action with my next learning venture.
Firstly just to back track a little, it was a rather sad day saying goodbye to everyone...
So that’s it…..finished and klaar, finito, done and dusted!!! Whoooohoooooo. Somebody is now a qualified Yoga Teacher :)
Our last day was really great, this morning’s class was tough, not just for me but for everyone I think. Most people’s bodies were sore and tired and...
So that’s it, we are pretty much done and dusted after today!! One more Yoga and Meditation class tomorrow, our graduation ceremony and voila….finito!!!
Started the day with our usual Yoga and Meditation training. It’s the last time on this course we do a self practise....
Back to the last few days of business after a really enjoyable day off of not doing too much!! Spent the day just chilling with my yoga buddies filling it up with beach, nice lunch, massage, beach and dinner!
So we had our penultimate Ashtanga self...
April Fools Day and zero pranks or jokes. Well I did wake up and hear that the South African president had reshuffled his cabinet and got rid of our Finance Minister once again. I don’t get how in this day and age that can happen...
It’s Friday…..whoooohoooooo…..oh no wait we still have another day of training! Haha, sad face, smiley face!
We started our day with our self practise which was great and then this time we went straight into our self practise of meditation (and breathing) afterwards, with no break...
Today was a really great day with a few new things happening and lots of learning going down!
We had our Ashtanga self practise and this time we had extra attention with people who were our ‘adjusters’. These are people who are doing the next step...